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Move around Barcelona like a Pro!

Writer's picture: Mare AgustíMare Agustí

It is pretty easy to get around Barcelona.

A car is really not necessary and it can even be a burden because of the traffic and the difficulty to find a parking spot in many places.

The 3 main public transportations are the:

  1. Metro (open from 5am to 12pm during the week and all night on the weekends.)

  2. The ferrocarriles (train that goes from the center of Barcelona to the suburbs and cities nearby. Open from 5am to 12pm too during the week and from 5am to 2am during the weekends.)

  3. The bus (The bus usually goes until 11pm and then you have the possibility to take a night bus (nitbus).There are not many night buses but they are well organized and they go around almost all the city. They pass by fairly often (every 20 to 30min max) and are totally safe (ofc you should always be careful))

There are several options of tickets which can be used for all public transports.

You can buy them at the vending machines on metro, ferrocarril and tramvia stops.

- 1 ticket: One ride for 2,40 €. - Ticket T-Usual: Gives you unlimited rides during 30 days for 40€. It’s under your name and only you can use it - Ticket T-Casual: Gives you 10 rides for 11,35€. - Ticket T-Grup: Gives you 70 rides during 30 days for 79,45€. Many people can use it at the same time (it’s for groups travelling together). - Ticket T-Jove: Gives you unlimited rides during 90 days for 80€. It’s under your name and only you can use it. - Ticket T-dia: Gives you unlimited rides during 1 day for 10,50€. It’s under your name and only you can use it. - Ticket To the airport: 1 ride for 5,15€

(This information is subject to change, you can verify this information by going to the official Barcelona transport page:

Barcelona by bike

You can check out Bicing, which has several parking spots all around Barcelona with bikes. They have two yearly rates, one for 35€/year and another one for 50€/year. You can also check out some apps with electric bikes that you can rent out, for example with the Scoot app you can use their bikes for 0.15€/min.

These are some of the apps& wesbites you can check to move around the city by bike:

(Click on the page to be redirected)

Barcelona by scooter

Another good option is to rent a scooter with apps such as eCooltra, which is a scooter rental company. There are many more apps & links that you can check below. Barcelona is one of the cities with more scooters of the world!

We hope you found this article useful! If you have questions, comment below! 😊


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